• unik kombination av naturliga närande oljor och utvalda eteriska oljor • lämplig för alla hudtyper; rekommenderas särskilt för anti-cellulitmassage • mjukar upp cellulitknölar, underlättar fettnedbrytning och främjar eliminering av metaboliskt avfall I VARNING: Förvara på en sval, mörk plats.

    • 0 % paraffin & silikon
    • Vegan
    • Med kraft av 100% naturliga oljor
    • Avgiftande effekt
    375.00 kr475.00 kr Exkl. moms
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    • rich source of vitamin E and essential fatty acids • stimulates regeneration of the skin and nourishes it • suitable for facial and body massage and make-up removal • suitable for use during pregnancy and nursing • recommended as a carrier oil for aromatherapy preparations I WARNING: Store in a cool, dark place.

    • 0 % paraffin & silicone
    • Vegan
    • With power of 100% natural oils
    • Nourishing effect.


    375.00 kr495.00 kr Exkl. moms
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  • MEN 3D Fluid 45 ml

    MEN 3D Fluid 45 ml

    Tredimensionell FLUID-snabbabsorberande och lätt konsistens som piggar upp och återfuktar trött, uttorkad hud.

    1. HYDRATION – aloe vera gel återfuktar huden och stimulerar hudcellregenerering.

    2. LYFT – den aktiva ingrediensen i isvin skapar en omedelbar lyftande effekt (rynkdjupet reduceras med 13% inom 30 minuter efter applicering*) och förbättrar hudens återfuktning **.

    3. EFTER-RAKVård-vitamin B3 lugnar huden som irriteras av rakning, har en antimikrobiell effekt *** och minskar fläckar efter rakning.

    *in vivo -studie på 22 volontärer 30 minuter efter en applikation
    ** in vivo-studie på 20 volontärer efter 28 dagars användning två gånger dagligen
    *** klinisk studie på 76 volontärer efter åtta veckors användning två gånger dagligen (sammanfattat av Shalita et al.)

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  • WINE THERAPY Nourishing cream

    WINE THERAPY Nourishing cream 50 ml

    Kraften hos patenterad ren resveratrol i inkapslad form i kombination med mousserande vin stimulerar hudens naturliga regenerativa funktion och skyddar den från fria radikaler.

    Med tillsatt vetegroddsolja ger den en rik och närande vård för torr hud.

    • För torr hud
    • Anti-oxförsvar
    • Kraft i RESVERATROL
    • 0 % silikon och konstgjorda färger


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  • WINE THERAPY Återfuktande kräm

    VINTERAPI Återfuktande kräm

    Kombinationen av patenterad ren resveratrol i inkapslad form och mousserande vin -extrakt ger både en återfuktande och föryngrande behandling.
    Den innehåller tillsatt E -vitamin, som ökar återfuktningen i hudens övre lager och skyddar den.
    För normal till blandad hud

    • Anti-ox försvar och hydrering
    • Kraft i RESVERATROL
    • 0 % silikon och konstgjorda färger
    • Vegan
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  • NEURO-SENSITIVE Soothing cream for dry skin

    NEURO-SENSITIVE Soothing cream for dry skin 50 ml

    Vetenskapen om neurokosmetologi lugnar din hud och höjer toleransgränsen för hyperreaktiv hud med biomimetisk pentapeptid, vilket avsevärt minskar reaktionen från hudens hyperreaktiva sensoriska fibrer på stressfaktorer. Som ett resultat lindrar det känslan av irritation (klåda, stickningar, brännande känsla, obehaglig täthet etc.) och minskar hudens känslighet (med upp till 26%).

    *IN VIVO -studie på 31 volontärer efter 28 dagars användning två gånger dagligen

    Efter rengöring och toning, applicera krämen på ansikte, hals och dekolletage och gnugga försiktigt in. För hemmabruk applicera grädden morgon och kväll; för yrkesmässigt bruk gäller i slutet av behandlingen.

    • för torr hud
    • biomimetisk pentapeptid & avokadoolja
    • hipoallergena formler
    • Dermatologiskt testad
    • 0% parfymer & silikon & färgämnen & alkohol
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  • NEURO-SENSITIVE Soothing cream

    NEURO-SENSITIVE Soothing cream for normal to combination skin 50 ml

    The science of neuro cosmetology soothes your skin and raises the tolerance threshold of hyper-reactive skin with biomimetic pentapeptide, which significantly reduces the response of the skin’s hyper-reactive sensory fibres to stress factors. As a result, it alleviates the feeling of irritation (itchiness, prickling, burning sensation, unpleasant tightness, etc.) and reduces the skin’s sensitivity (by up to 26%).

    *IN VIVO study on 31 volunteers after 28 days of twice daily use

    After cleansing and toning, apply the cream to the face, neck and décolletage area and rub in gently. For home use apply the cream morning and evening; for professional use apply at the end of a treatment.

    • for dry skin
    • biomimetic pentapeptide & avocado oil
    • hipoallergenic formulas
    • dermatologically tested
    • 0% perfumes & silicones & colorants & alcohol
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  • VITA DERMA Anti-stress serum

    VITA DERMA Anti-stress serum 30 ml

    The anti-stress serum supplies your skin with energy which is released on the very first application. As it works for the first 3 to 5 minutes, the serum will make your skin tingle slightly, after which it pleasantly cools and relieves skin tension. Indirectly, you will also feel your mind relax and clear. The serum improves your skin’s resistance to internal and external stress factors and, in aged skin, restores vitality and the shine of youthful freshness.

    Massage the serum into the skin before applying the cream, or use it as a foundation for masks.

    • ice effect
    • anti-stress and rejuvenating effect
    • dermatologically tested
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  • PEEL RE-NEW AHA Exfoliant

    30 ml

    Penetrates deep into the pores where it has a highly cleansing, mildly antibacterial and keratolytic effect – removing dead skin cells and stimulating the formation of new ones. As a result it has an all-round ’RE-NEW’ effect: it reduces the occurrence of impurities, tightens dilated pores and refreshes your complexion, making your skin look rejuvenated. After use, the condition of oily skin may at first get worse – this is a normal reaction and results from intensive skin cleansing, which calls for further product use.

    Suitable for cleansing and revitalising all skin types and especially recommended for improving the condition of oily, impure skin.

    NOT SUITABLE for persons allergic to salicylates (aspirin) andfor the care of skin with active acne.

    NOT SUITABLE for use in combination with the Vita Derma Acne Ampoule.


    PEEL-NEW products (except the cleansing foam) ARE NOT SUITABLE:

    • for very thin and couperose skin;
    • for pregnant women, nursing mothers, chronic patients or chemotherapy patients;
    • for clients with cold sores;
    • when sunbathing and undergoing a course of dermatological therapy;
    • one week after depilation, microdermabrasion or other skin peels;
    • for skin around the eyes and areas with permanent make-up, tattoos and moles (during application, any such areas must be properly protected).

    + Do not use PEEL RE-NEW products on damaged and diseased skin.

    Consult your doctor before using any RE-NEW products alongside any medication.


    The application of PEEL RE-NEW products based on AHA and BHA acids may cause mild to moderate redness of the skin or a warm, tingling, prickling or stinging sensation on the skin. These are all normal reactions caused by the effect of the AHA/BHA acids and will soon wear off.

    • 2 % of salicylic acid
    • pH 3.4
    • paraben & paraffin & silicone & BHT FREE
    • for professional & home use
    • especially recommended for improving the condition of oily, impure skin
    • »RE-NEW« EFFECT: REDUCES impurities & RE-TIGHTENS pores & RESTORES youthful glow
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  • MASSAGE OIL Almond

    MASSAGE OIL Almond – 500 ml

    • rich source of vitamin E and essential fatty acids • stimulates regeneration of the skin and nourishes it • suitable for facial and body massage and make-up removal • suitable for use during pregnancy and nursing • recommended as a carrier oil for aromatherapy preparations I WARNING: Store in a cool, dark place.

    • 0 % paraffin & silicone
    • Vegan
    • With power of 100% natural oils
    • Nourishing effect
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  • ART of SPA GREEN TEA body lotion 200ml

    ART of SPA GREEN TEA body lotion 200ml

    Detoxify and firm the skin with black elder extract and the freshness of organically grown green tea. Apply and massage into the skin. For external use only.

    Apply and massage into the skin. For external use only.

    • vegan
    • 0 % parafina.
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  • ART OF SPA Yoghurt Green Tea 200 ml

    ART OF SPA Yoghurt Green Tea 200 ml

    Apply GREEN TEA face and body yoghurt with organic green tea extract and shea butter to your face and body as a refreshing antioxidant mask after showering or while in the sauna. Leave to act for 3 to 15 minutes, then rinse off. The heat helps open up the pores, allowing the active ingredients to penetrate the skin effectively and leaving it nourished, soft to the touch and scented with the refreshing fragrance of green tea. Do not ingest.

    Apply yoghurt to your face and body as a refreshing antioxidant mask after showering or while in the sauna. Leave to act for 3 to 15 minutes, then rinse off.

    • RELAXING CARE for all skin types
    • 0 % silicone & paraffin & artificial colours
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